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The Perfect Present for Mom

  •   Oct. 2, 2017
  •  ViewClix testimonials 

A Facebook post from a ViewClix customer:

"The family went together and bought this for my mother's 80th birthday October 1, 2017. It is FANTASTIC! I sent links to the kids and Grand kids. They loaded up ahead of time. I set everything up and checked it out at my house. Then I boxed it back up and wrapped it. After she opened it, we explained it was a digital frame like on her computer screen saver. While she was looking at the pictures from a week ago and from 40 years ago, the Grands all snuck away and used one phone to make a video call to her. It was so cool to see the screen go blue and it saying the name of the person calling. Perfect gift. She was so surprised. I know people are surprised at the cost, but I am going to buy one for myself for the pictures alone. The quality of the pictures is wonderful and the screen is huge. I can't wait to call her from Ireland in a couple of weeks. It is so user friendly. The remote has just a few buttons. Being able to make changes to the frame from a computer is great and loading the pictures from the app is super easy. You get two choices: Upload a photo or Make a call." 
- Joan S.