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ViewClix Favorite: Watch the Dick Van Dyke Show

  •   Sept. 22, 2023
  •  ViewClix tips 

With ViewClix's innovative video sharing feature, families can easily share videos for their senior loved one to watch. The videos are remotely managed by familiy and can be remotely played for the senior, ensuring a hands-off experience. In addition to sharing personal video clips, families can share YouTube videos for their senior to watch. 

YouTube provides families access to millions of videos and this includes some full TV episodes of classic shows!

One of our favorite shows available through YouTube is the classic TV show "The Dick Van Dyke Show." 

Families can share the YouTube link to the ViewClix frame and then choose when the video plays on the ViewClix frame for their senior. 

Once the video is shared with the frame, family can press the "Play Now" button to start the video automatically for the senior immediately. Or families can add the video to the "Playlist" and the video Playlist will play all the videos at a scheduled day and time. 

Here are the steps to share a YouTube video to your ViewClix frame:

  1. Find the YouTube video of your choice and copy the videos URL link. TIP: to make this easy, on the video page click the "Share" button and then select the "Copy" button
  2. Open your ViewClix mobile app or the website Member Portal and select "Share a Video Clip"
  3. Near the bottom of the screen select the YouTube button "YT" 
  4. Paste your link into the text box and then select the check mark to save the video
  5. You're now ready to play the video! Either select the Blue Button "Play Now" next to the video to play the video immediately or navigate to the Playlist to set up a scheduled time for the video to play

When the video starts, the frame will play a notification sound for your senior to let them know a video is about to start. Once the video or video Playlist is finished, the frame will automatically return to the Slideshow of photos. 

Here is a link to the Dick Van Dyke Show, with over 150 episodes available, this is sure to make your loved one smile.

Dick Van Dyke Show Episode 1

Ready to start sharing your favorite videos? Order your ViewClix Smart Frame today and let your senior experience the magic!